Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Did Robin Scorpio Bring Out the Romantic In You?

Sadly, it seems there is more violence than romance on General Hospital these days. In my most recent entry for Daytime Dial's Summaries edition that appears in daily newspapers, I think the entire paragraph involved shootings, a hit-and-run and a strangling. Fortunately, when SOAPnet aired some older episodes of GH featuring the three great loves of Robin Scorpio (Kimberly McCullough) titled Robin Unwrapped, there were more cupid's arrows than bullets.

In preparation for the special, viewers were invited to submit their personal Valentine love letters, stories and proposals to be read by McCullough during breaks of Unwrapped. More than 1,000 letters were sent, including 17 marriage proposals and a high-school prom invitation. McCullough read every proposal on-air or online. As a result, several couples got engaged on Sunday!

Now, hopefully, if these couples have a baby someday, the wife can give birth without taking a bullet to the head! (Yes, I'm talking to you Sonny and Carly.)