Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cameron Mathison Dances Into the Sunset

Cameron Mathison has made the soap world proud. He made it to the top 5 dancers on Dancing With the Stars, before being voted off last night. When you consider all he's been doing since he started the show, it's amazing he's still awake, let alone dancing up a storm.

As many of you know, Cameron has been filming everyday for All My Children, rehearsing for DWTS whenever he gets a break, and he is also doing all kinds of promotional events -- the most recent being Super Soap Weekend. I saw him upclose at SSW and can't believe how great he looks for being run so ragged. It just goes to show what eating right and exercise will do for you, that's for sure!

While I am bummed I'll no longer get to watch him dance, in a way, I am happy that now he'll finally be able to catch up on some Z's. But as he said last night, he wanted more than anything to be able to stay on and keep competing.

Most of us agree that Marie Osmond is the weakest dancer out of them all, and she should not have lasted past the third week. But those Osmonds have a HUGE fan base, and they keep saving her, since the judges have made it clear that she is not up to par with the rest of the dancers. Also, with the news of her father's passing, it would have been cruel to vote her off this week.

Now, I am wholeheartedly pulling for 90210 alum Jennie Garth. Please help me and vote for Jennie next week. We need to keep the great dancers on the show -- especially soap-opera alumni! -- and leave the mediocre ones behind.
(Photo courtesy of ABC Television)


Anonymous said...

I'm so sad to see him go! I was just at Super Soap Weekend and he looked great. I thought for sure the hundreds and hundreds of fans that were at the event standing in Fast Pass lines from the night before to get autographs/photos would have voted him through! Especially when he and Edyta danced on stage Saturday night! Im so on board for voting for Jenny now!!!!

Unknown said...

I had been dividing my vote between him and Jennie, but now, it's ALL Jennie. Hopefully the judges will vote Marie so low this next week, that no amount of fan voting will keep her on. Fingers crossed!!

Anonymous said...

What a shame, he was so underrated. That samba was beyond creative and the jive was inspired.

Unknown said...

Lucky me (and tens of thousands of us at Super Soap Weekend), I got to see the Jive live. I will be posting a video of it later on tonight, so check back for it.